-Size: 3&¾"L x 2&¾"W x 2&¾"H -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: This 1:2 scale chimpanzee skull is a wonderfully detailed miniature, sculpted by Steve Wagner. This is one skull from a set of 7 (KAM-SET-7). Portable, durable and precise, these skulls are great for quick and easy primate and hominid comparison. Each skull...
-Size: 10”L -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: Chimpanzee feet are characterized by four toes and a large first toe (also known as a hallux). In most primates the first toe is pseudo-opposable, where the foot is capable of grasping, though not in the same dexterous way as primate hands. When walking on...
-Size: 8&1/2”L x 4&1/2”W -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: Chimpanzee hands are characterized by four long curved fingers and an opposable thumb (also known as a pollex), making it possible for skillful manipulation of objects. This dexterity is of great importance in the survival activities of the primate namely in climbing vegetation, grasping...
-Size: 7"L x 5"W x 6"H -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: Smaller than the male on average, the female stands at about 3 1/2 feet and weighs 60 to 110 pounds. Female chimps do not become pregnant until they are 10-12 years old and give birth to one offspring about every 5...
-Size: 3&½"L x 2&½"W x 2&½"H -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: Near term fetal chimpanzee skull shows the beginning eruption of incisors and early molars. The gestation period for chimpanzees is 8 months. Their weight at birth is about four pounds; they grow to an adult weight of up to 120 pounds if...
-Size: 4&½"L x 3&½"W x 3&½"H -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: This chimpanzee infant skull is from an individual with an age of 11 to 12 months. The mother is the primary caregiver of the infant. In the infant's first year of life, it is almost always in contact with its mother, dependent...
-Size: 7"L x 4&½"W x 5”H -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: This juvenile chimpanzee skull is that of a male that is roughly between 6-1/2 to 9 years of age. The age of this individual was established by the eruption of teeth. Most of the permanent dentition, including maxillary and mandibular 2nd...
-Size: 8"L x 5&½"W x 6"H -Species: Pan troglodytes -Notes: Native to the African rainforest, the male chimpanzee weighs up to 120 lbs. and grows up to 5 1/2 feet tall. A robust and lively ape, the chimpanzee is capable of insight and has the ability to create and use tools. Chimpanzees...
-Size: 6"L x 2&¼"W x 2&¼"H -Species: Gymnogyps califonianus -Notes: The California condor is a New World vulture native to North America and historically ranged the entire Pacific coast. The largest flying bird in North America, the condor became extinct in the wild in the late 1980’s due to lead poisoning, habitat destruction...
-Size: 8"L x 4"W x 3½"H -Species: Canis latrans -Notes: The coyote is found from Central America through central Canada and into Alaska. Belonging to the family Carnivora, it can be distinguished from domestic dogs by its pointed ears and drooping tail. It runs on its toes and can reach speeds...
-Size: 8"L x 1&¾" W x 2"H -Species: Grus canadensis -Notes: Sandhill cranes are common from Alaska through the US and Cuba and Siberia. Both parents care for their young for about 10 months and have elaborate courtship dances. They can live for over 20 years. 1-part skull (jaw glued to cranium). Please...
-Size: 8"L x 5"W x 3&½"H -Species: Osteolaemus tetraspis -Notes: The dwarf crocodile is named for the interesting bony texture of its skull (Osteolaemus: 'bony throat'). It is the smallest of the crocodilians, growing up to lengths of 5-6 feet. Living as long as 100 years, this nocturnal reptile is found only in...
-Size: 3&½"L x 1&½"W x 1&¾"H -Species: Corvus brachyrhynchosorvus -Notes: One of the most common birds in North America, they are very social and protect each other with various warning cries. 1-part skull (jaw glued to cranium). Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these...
-Size: 2"L x ¾"W x ¾"H -Species: Coccyzus americanus -Notes: The yellow-billed cuckoo, found throughout North and South America, is often seen near lakes and streams in woodland areas. This medium-sized bird is generally solitary, but pairs up during breeding season. Both male and female take part in parenting, building the nest together,...
-Size: 10"L x 4&½"W x 5&½"H -Species: Muntiacus reevesi -Notes: Also called the barking deer, the muntjac barks when predators are near. They are relatively common in their home range of China and Taiwan with over 600,000 individuals. A relatively small deer, they stand less than 18 inches at the shoulder,...
What's for dinner? Meat? Insects? Plants? All of the above?An animal skull's form (morphology) and dentition (form and number of teeth) gives clues as to how and what it eats. Dentition and eye placement are tools that have evolved for specific functions. Some teeth are shaped perfectly for stabbing, cutting...
-Size from hand from wrist to most extended claw: 15&1/2"L -Species: Allosaurus fragilis ("Fragile Different Lizard" - named so because upon first examination, the vertebrae were very "different" from those of any known dinosaur at the time, and "fragile" because of the lightening features of the vertebrae). Please allow up...
-Size: 16"L x 13”W x 11”T -Species: Utahraptor ostrommaysorum ("Ostrom's and May's Utah Thief") -Notes: Cast in high-impact resin. To date, Utahraptor is the largest known member of the dromaeosaurid (or "raptor") family, reaching lengths of up to 20.' -Age: Cretaceous Period, 127-98 million years ago -Location: Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA...
-Size: 9"L x 3”W x 4"T (measurement is of skull w/o base) -Species: Velociraptor mongoliensis ("Quick Thief of Mongolia") -Notes: Cast in high-impact resin. Comes with custom-made display base. Velociraptor, though smaller in reality than in the movies, is the main villain of the Jurassic Park film series. The first specimen...
-Size: 6½"L x 4"W x 4"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: The Airedale is sometimes called the king of terriers, as it is the largest of terriers. The Airedale is a formidable hunter of water rats and other larger feathered and furred game. It sealed its reputation as a valuable dog...
-Size: 9½"L x 6¼"W x 6½"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: One of the largest domestic dog breeds, the Bullmastiff is a gentle giant with a typical weight between 110 to 130lbs. These even-tempered, affectionate dogs are loyal family pets that are protective and need lots of attention and training. The...
-Size: 6½"L x 5"W x 4½"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: Although it is a short dog (standing about 12-15"), the Bulldog is wide and stocky, weighing 50-55 lbs., giving an overall appearance of great stability. The thick body is matched by a broad head with a short, pug muzzle ending...
-Size: 5"L x 4½"W x 4"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: The French Bulldog, affectionately called "Frenchie," is essentially a mini-English Bulldog. It is thought by some that the smaller specimens of the English Bulldog (see BC-128) were taken aboard ship to France because they could be more easily hidden. Displaced...
-Size: 10½"L x 6"W x 6½"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: The Great Dane (Canis familiaris) is thought to have originated from a cross between Asiatic mastiffs and Irish wolfhounds sometime during the 5th century A.D. They are second only to the Irish wolfhounds in size and height. Bred primarily in...
-Size: 8½"L x 5½"W x 5"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: Pit bull is the shortened name for the American Pit Bull Terrier, although it is often used to refer to other terrier mixes (for example, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier). Bred and valued for its tenacious grip, the pit bull is...
-Size: 8½"L x 5¼"W x 5"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: This powerful medium-large dog breed is known to be an excellent guard dog. The Rottweiler, or Rottie, is one of the oldest herding breeds, likely tracing its ancestry back to Ancient Roman times when Mastiff-type dogs were bred to herd...
-Size: 10½"L x 5½"W x 7"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: Legend has it that around 1050 A.D. a Catholic monk named St. Bernard of Montjou founded a monastery high in a pass of the Swiss Alps. Passing traders traveling between Italy and Switzerland are said to have brought the Roman...
-Size: 7½"L x 4"W x 3½"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: The graceful and elegant saluki, also known as the Arabian hound or the Persian greyhound, may be the oldest known breed of domesticated canine. Images of the dog can be found in ancient carvings (dating back to 14,000 BC) and...
-Size: 7"L x 4"W x 3½"H -Species: Canis familiaris -Notes: The white Bull Terrier is a muscular and active dog that has a head shaped like an egg in side view. This breed was created by crossing the Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier. Its nose is black...
-Size: 18½"L x 9½"W x 8"H -Species: Tursiops truncatus -Notes: The bottlenose dolphin is what comes to mind for most people who picture a dolphin ("Flipper" was a bottlenose dolphin). The largest of the beaked dolphins, they are 8 to 12 feet long and are found mostly in coastal and inshore...
-Size: 23"L x 13½"W x 13½"H -Species: Pseudorca crassidens -Notes: Growing up to 20 feet long, this species has the largest range of all Cetaceans. Like the killer whale, which it resembles, this species is a member of the dolphin family. It is less likely than the killer whale to include...
-Size: 17½"L x 7"W x 6"H -Species: Platanista gangetica -Notes: Living in the muddy water systems of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangledesh, The Ganges river dolphin (also known as susu) is almost blind and is believed to be able to only see light and dark. Although sometimes found in small groups,...
-Notes: Big, small, tall, short, narrow, wide, and everything in between: dogs have it all. How is one species so diverse? This set of three dog skulls offers an opportunity to explore morphological diversity within a species, as well as the interdependent role they've played in human history. Set includes 3...
-Size: 17"L x 10"W x 11"H -Species: Metaxytherium floridanum -Notes: This fossil dugong skull was found in the Lower Bone Valley formation (approximately 9.5-7 million years old) of the phosphate mines of Polk County, Florida, in 1978 by M. McClain. The most notable characteristic of the dugong skull is its deflected...
-Size: 14½"L x 8"W x 8½"H -Species: Dugong dugon -Notes: The dugong belongs to the order Sirenia, which includes manatees. Sirenians belong to a group called subungulates, which includes elephants and hyraxes, two animals that by appearances and habitat would seem to have nothing in common. The original specimen was collected...
-Size: 4&¾"L x 2&½”W x 2"H -Species: Haliaeetus leucocephalus -Notes: Native to North America, the bald eagle's wingspan can reach over 7 feet. Primarily fish eaters, they will also eat other birds and rodents. Even though they are migratory birds, they will stay in one location if they have access to the ocean...
-Size: 4&½"L x 2&½"W x 2"H -Species: Aquila chrysaetos -Notes: North America's largest bird of prey with a wingspan of over 7 feet. Often hunting in pairs, each bird can carry 8 pounds in flight. Sometimes eating carrion, their diet more often consists of rodents as well as reptiles and birds. They have...
-Size: 5"L x 2&¾"W x 2&½"H -Species: Harpia harpyja -Notes: The largest and fiercest of the New World raptors, harpy eagles can weigh up to 18 pounds and have a 6 1/2 to 7 ft wingspan. They use their relatively short, broad wings to maneuver through the vast pristine expanses of uninterrupted forests...
-Size: 4"L x 1&¾"W x 1&½"H -Species: Falco peregrinus -Notes: The word peregrine is Latin for 'wanderer' and is an apt description for this raptor, which may migrate over 15,000 miles in a year. Peregrines are the best-known species of falcon, having been used for hunting for hundreds of years, and now are...
-Size: 7½"L x 5½"W x 7"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This human male skull exhibits the trauma associated with a medium caliber bullet wound. A sharply circumscribed semicircular defect (entry wound) appears in the left side of the frontal bone and a larger, more irregular defect (exit wound) is found...
-Size: 8"L x 5&½"W x 8"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This trauma skull of a human female shows three small-caliber entrance gunshot wounds at the left side of the occipital bone. Two of these wounds overlap to create a figure "8" appearance. Much of the squamous region of the...
-Size: 8&½"L x 5&½"W x 6"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This blunt force trauma skull illustrates two wounds that are rounded and depressed, consistent with hammer injury. The smooth, rounded edges are indicative of healing, and therefore indicate some period (likely months or years) of survival. Please allow...
-Size: 8"L x 5&½"W x 7"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This is an excellent skull displaying major facial trauma. The skull exhibits a healed comminuted fracture (without effective medical treatment) of the left cheek bones, with associated injuries to the jaw, throat, and eye orbit. In addition to the...
-Size: 8½"L x 5"W x 6½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This modern human skull displays the trauma resulting from machete wounds followed by submersion in the ocean for two weeks. The machete strikes caused all of the skull fractures, with loss of the comminuted fragments from the left side of...
-Size: 8"L x 5"W x 7"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This human skull displays the trauma inflicted by at least one shotgun round. One gaping defect on the occiput involves the lambda; internal beveling is palpable along the edges of the wound. The second defect is along the sagittal...
-Size: 5"L x 2½"W x 2½"H -Species: Urocyon cinereoargenteus -Notes: The gray fox is nicknamed "The Tree Fox" due to its ability to climb trees and leap from branch to branch with catlike agility. It can be found from Northern Ontario, Canada to Central and Southwestern U.S. to Venezuela. The coat...
-Size: 2&½"L x 1&¾"W x 2&¼"H -Species: Architeuthis dux -Notes: The parrot-like beak of the giant squid, strong enough to bite through steel cable, is used to cut prey into small pieces. Unlike the octopus, whose arms have simple suckers, the arms and tentacles of the giant squid are equipped with hooks...
-Size: 4&1/2”L x 2”W -Species: Hylobates lar -Notes: This life cast of a white-handed gibbon foot would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order. Thank you for...