-Size: 4&1/2”L x 2”W -Species: Hylobates lar -Notes: This life cast of a white-handed gibbon hand would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order. Thank you for...
-Size: 6”L x 5”W x 4&3/4”H -Species: Gigantopithecus blacki -Notes: Gigantopithecus blacki is a giant, orangutan-like primate that existed in southern China half a million to a million years ago. Gigantopithecus is estimated to have been about ten feet tall and weighed about 1,200 pounds. Too large to be arboreal, Gigantopithecus was...
-Size: 12”L x 12”W x 15”H -Species: Gigantopithecus blacki -Notes: Gigantopithecus blacki is a giant, orangutan-like primate that existed in southern China half a million to a million years ago. Gigantopithecus is estimated to have been about ten feet tall and weighed about 1,200 pounds. Too large to be arboreal, Gigantopithecus was...
-Size: 5&¾"L x 3"W x 4"H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: This 1:2 scale gorilla skull is a wonderfully detailed miniature, sculpted by Steve Wagner. This is one skull from a set of 7 (KAM-SET-7). Portable, durable and precise, these skulls are great for quick and easy primate and hominid comparison. Each skull...
-Size: 10”L x 8”W x 5”H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: A lifecast of a female lowland gorilla named "Fern." Fern was born in the wild in 1959 and reared by her parents. She was kept at the Oklahoma City Zoo from 1972 until her death in 2005, when she was euthanized as...
-Size: 15&¼"L x 9&½"W x 8"H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: This male gorilla head life cast was molded and cast from a 41-year-old western lowland gorilla, born in captivity in the UK. Current estimates place the number of lowland gorillas in the wild at under 50,000. Mounting hardware not included....
-Size: 10”L x 5&1/2”W -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: Gorilla feet are characterized by four toes and a large first toe (also known as a hallux). In most primates the first toe is pseudo-opposable, where the foot is capable of grasping, though not in the same dexterous way as primate hands. When walking...
-Size: 13”L x 6&1/2”W -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: Gorilla feet are characterized by four toes and a large first toe (also known as a hallux). In most primates the first toe is pseudo-opposable, where the foot is capable of grasping, though not in the same dexterous way as primate hands....
-Size: 12”L x 6”W -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: The gorilla hand is characterized by four long curved fingers and an opposable thumb (also known as a pollex). Gorillas engage in quadrupedal knuckle-walking, where the fingers are curled up into a fist and the dorsal aspect of the fingers makes contact with the...
-Size: 12&1/2”L x 6&1/2”W -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: Gorilla feet are characterized by four toes and a large first toe (also known as a hallux). In most primates the first toe is pseudo-opposable, where the foot is capable of grasping, though not in the same dexterous way as primate hands....
-Size: 10”L -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: The gorilla hand is characterized by four long curved fingers and an opposable thumb (also known as a pollex). Gorillas engage in quadrupedal knuckle-walking, where the fingers are curled up into a fist and the dorsal aspect of the fingers makes contact with the ground. In...
-Size: 11”L x 7”W -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: The gorilla hand is characterized by four long curved fingers and an opposable thumb (also known as a pollex). Gorillas engage in quadrupedal knuckle-walking, where the fingers are curled up into a fist and the dorsal aspect of the fingers makes contact with the...
-Size: 11&1/2”L x 6&1/2”W -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: This life cast was first molded from the LC-01 specimen, and then molded with the muscles, ligaments and tendons. The master was then prepared by Oklahoma artist, Eric Humphries, in the classical form (as shown) and then cast. The progression from LC-01 to LC-15...
-Size: 12&½"L x 7&½"W x 9"H -Species: Gorilla beringei -Notes: This Mountain Gorilla (named Mbongo) was born in the high mountains of what was once the Belgium Congo and is now Zaire. He and another young gorilla named Ngagi were captured in 1930 by the famous explorers, Martin and Osa Johnson. The...
-Size: 8&½"L x 5&½"W x 7"H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: Wild female gorillas stand 3 1/2 to 5 feet tall and weigh 150 to 220 pounds. Their skulls are less massive than the males, having a reduced nuchal crest and lacking a sagittal crest. The browridge is less pronounced and the canine...
-Size: 4&¾"L x 3½"W x 3&¾"H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: This 6 month infant gorilla skull is that of an individual with incomplete eruption of deciduous teeth, which is consistent with dentition expected at this age. During infancy (birth - 3 years) mortality rates can be high. For the first 5 months...
-Size: 12"L x 6&½"W x 9"H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: Male gorillas are the largest of the world primates, reaching heights of 6 feet (when standing erect) and weights up to 400 pounds. Enormously strong, they have broad shoulders, thick muscular biceps, and forearms longer than their upper arms, with an arm...
-Size: 11&½"L x 7"W x 10"H -Species: Gorilla gorilla -Notes: Male gorillas are the largest of the world primates, reaching heights of 6 feet (when standing erect) and weights up to 400 pounds. Enormously strong, they have broad shoulders, thick muscular biceps, and forearms longer than their upper arms, with an arm...
-Size: 3&½"L x 2"W x 1&½"H -Species: Buteo jamaicensis -Notes: The red-tailed hawk is distributed throughout North and Central America. If the weather is not too harsh, the hawk will stay in one area throughout the year. Harsh winter climates, though, may send them south. They are 1&1/2 -2 feet long with a...
-Size: 8"L x 1&½"W x 1&½"H -Species: Ardea herodias -Notes: The largest heron species in North America, the great blue herons stand 4 feet tall with long, flexible necks and a 7-foot wingspan. Its back, wings and belly are a bluish gray, while its face is white and long bill is...
-Size: 7¾"L x 5¼"W x 5½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This female skull from Bolivia, reported to be 1200 years old, is of interest to physical anthropologists as well as to paleopathologists. In addition to showing trephination, the skull also exhibits cranial deformation (elongation due to being bound). The skull...
-Size: 10½"L x 5½"W x 9½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This extraordinary trauma skull was found exposed by road equipment on a ranch in Chama, New Mexico. The skeleton was destroyed, but the skull and artifact remained in place and intact. The ax head is consistent with material culture of...
-Size: 8"L x 6"W x 8"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: Aged somewhere between 72 AD and 472 AD, this skull was unearthed near the Coliseum in Rome, Italy. This skull is from a formal grave yard for known coliseum gladiators. Experts infer from the skull, that the individual was a...
-Size: 6"L x 5"W x 5"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This trauma skull from prehistoric Peru and part of the Hrdlicka Paleopathology Collection is of interest to biological anthropologists as well as anatomists. Hrdlicka recorded it in 1910 as a cradleboard skull, possibly microcephalic. The skull is small, with...
-Size: 8"L x 5"W x 9"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: Dated over 2,000 years old, this skull is an extreme example of binding and elongation. Cranial binding is the shaping of the skull when a child is very young, usually an infant. This wrapping is often done with rope or...
-Size: 8½"L x 5"W x 8"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: Dated over 2,000 years old, this skull is an extreme example of binding and elongation. Cranial binding is the shaping of the skull when a child is very young, usually an infant. This wrapping is often done with rope...
-Size: 7&¾"L x 5"W x 5&¼"H -Species: Homo erectus (disputed as H. georgicus or H. ergaster) -Notes: The Dmanisi site in the country of Georgia has yielded incredible hominin fossil finds of the species Homo erectus, adding further documentation to the presence of Homo existing outside of Africa around 1.7...
-Size: 9"L x 5½"W x 5"H -Species: Homo erectus -Notes: This 800,000 year old Homo erectus skull (Sangiran 17) was found in 1969 in Java, Indonesia, by a Mr. Towikromo, a citizen of Pucung Village. Homo erectus exhibits more humanlike features than any other Homo species. Its features include a long, low...
Size: 8"L x 5&½"W x 5"H -Species: Homo erectus -Notes: The Homo erectus skull called “Peking Man” is also known as Pithecanthropus pekinensis (Sinanthropus). The reproduction offered here was recreated by Ian Tattersall and Gary J. Sawyer using original casts when possible. Their reproduction clearly indicates the areas that were sculpted...
Size: 8"L x 5½"W x 7"H -Species: Homo ergaster -Notes: This 1.6 million year old Homo ergaster skull (KNM-WT 15000), also known as "Nariokotome Boy" and "Turkana Boy" was discovered in 1984 in Nariokotome, Kenya. The first fragment was found by Kimoya Kimeu and the rest of the skeleton was...
Size: 7½"L x 5"W x 5½"H -Species: Homo ergaster -Notes: This 1.75 million year old Homo ergaster cranium (KNM-ER 3733) was discovered by Bernard Ngeneo in 1975 in Koobi Fora, Kenya, and described by Richard Leakey in Nature in 1976. Several teeth are intact, but no mandible was ever found....
Size: 6"L x 4¼"W x 5¼"H -Species: Homo floresiensis -Notes: The 18,000 year old Homo floresiensis skull (Flores Skull LB1) was discovered by paleoanthropologist Peter Brown and his team on the island of Flores, Indonesia, in 2003 and reported in Nature in 2004. A skeleton of this species, which has been...
Size: 6½"L x 4½"W x 4½"H -Species: Homo erectus -Notes: This 1.9 million year old Homo habilis Skull (KNM-ER 1813) was discovered by Kamoya Kimeu in 1973 at Koobi Fora, Kenya, and described by Richard Leakey in Nature in 1973. There is still controversy about this specimen's classification, with some scientists...
Size: 6½"L x 4½"W x 4½"H -Species: Homo erectus -Notes: This 1.8 million year old Homo habilis cranium (OH 24) was discovered by Peter Nzube in 1968 and first described by Clark, and Mary & Louis Leakey in Nature in 1971. This nearly complete but badly crushed specimen represented the...
Size: 6&½"L x 4&½"W x 4&½"H -Species: Homo habilis -Notes: This Homo habilis skull (KNM-ER 1813) was discovered by K. Kimeu in 1973 at Koobi Fora, Kenya, and described by R. Leakey in Nature in 1973. There is still controversy about this specimen's classification, with some scientists opting to classify it as an...
Size: 8"L x 5&½"W x 7&½"H -Species: Homo heidelbergensis (disputed as H. antecessor or H. erectus) -Notes: This 350,000 to 500,000 year old Homo heidelbergensis skull ("Atapuerca 5") was discovered in Spain in 1992 by Juan-Luis Arsuaga, in the fossil-rich caves of Sima de los Huesos (Bone Pit), Sierra de Atapuerca,...
Size: 9"L x 6"W x 6"H -Species: Homo heidelbergensis -Notes: The Homo heidelbergensis cranium (Broken Hill 1) was discovered in Kabwe, Zambia (formerly Rhodesia), by miner Tom Zwigelaar and originally described by paleontologist Arthur Woodward in 1921 in Nature as "Rhodesian Man" (H. rhodesiensis). This is the first human ancestor...
-Size: 9"L x 6"W x 7"H -Species: Homo neanderthalensis -Notes: This 50,000 year old Homo neanderthalensis skull was discovered by Amedee and Jean Bouyssomie, and Josef Bonneval in 1908 in La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France. It was the most complete Neanderthal skull found at the time. Called the "old man," this individual...
-Size: 9"L x 6"W x 7"H -Species: Homo neanderthalensis -Notes: This 50,000 year old Homo neanderthalensis skull (La Ferrassie 1) was discovered in France in 1909 and described that same year by Louis Capitan and Denis Peyrony. A more thorough study of the La Ferrassie skeleton was published in 1976...
-Size: 7&½"L x 5&½"W x 6&½"H -Species: Homo neanderthalensis -Notes: This 70,000 year old Homo neanderthalensis child skull was discovered by A. Okladnikov in Teshik-Tash cave, Uzbekistan in 1938. This skull helped establish the easternmost range of Neanderthals. It has been suggested that this skeleton was buried in a ritual fashion. With...
Size: 8"L x 5½"W x 5"H -Species: Homo rudolfensis -Notes: Considered to have lived 2 million years ago, the Homo rudolfensis cranium (KNM-ER 1470) was discovered by Bernard Ngeneo in 1972 at Koobi Fora in Kenya and described by Richard Leakey in Nature in 1973. The classification of this specimen has...
Size: 8¼"L x 6"W x 6¾"H -Species: Homo sapiens -Notes: This 32,000-30,000 year old Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon 1) cranium was discovered by French geologist Louis Lartet and Henry Christy on a limestone cliff in 1868 (during the construction of railway lines in Les-Eyzies, France). Cro-Magnon, meaning "big cliff," represents the...
Size: 8½"L x 6"W x 7½"H -Species: Homo sapiens -Notes: This 32,000-30,000 year old Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon 1) cranium was discovered by French geologist Louis Lartet and Henry Christy on a limestone cliff in 1868 (during the construction of railway lines in Les-Eyzies, France). Cro-Magnon, meaning "big cliff," represents the...
-Size: 8½"L x 2"W x 3½"H -Species: Anthracoceros malayanus -Notes: Asian black hornbills are medium-sized hornbills found primarily in lowland and swampland forests over Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Hornbills are named for their horn shaped beaks often topped by a large hollow chamber called a casque. Made of keratin, casques are...
-Size: 6¾"L x 2"W x 2¾"H -Species: Aceros undulatus -Notes: The wreathed hornbill is a large (4-8 pounds) black bird with a yellowish tail, red eyes, and a long, thick beak topped with a small 'wreathed' casque with up to 9 ridges. The male has a bright yellow inflatable throat pouch,...
-Size: 6½"L x 4½"W x 5½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: The age of this skull was determined by reference to the natural bone specimen and a panoramic radiograph. An examination of both suggests an age between 2 and 3 years. There are 10 teeth in the maxillary arcade and...
-Size: 6½"L x 5"W x 6½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: The age of the skull was determined by referring to the natural bone specimen and a panoramic radiograph, both of which suggest an age range of 5-9 years. There are 12 teeth in the maxillary arcade and 12 teeth in...
-Size of 31 week old: 3"L x 2½"W x 2½"H -Size of 32 week old: 3¾"L x 3"W x 3"H -Size of 40 week old: 4½"L x 3½"W x 3½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: A comparison set of three human skulls in fetal development, ranging from 31, 32, and 40 weeks (near...