-Size: 8"L x 5"W x 7"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This is an excellent example of an African American female skull. Features suggestive of African-American ancestry are the moderate alveolar prognathism, flat nasal region (including the nasal root), broad nasal aperture, retreating zygoma, somewhat truncated nasal spine, and retreating forehead....
-Size: 7¾"L x 5"W x 6¾"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This human skull is an excellent example of an Asian female. Some of the features that suggest Asian ancestry include a flat nasal root, an obtuse nasal angle, a somewhat rounded dental arcade in the upper jaw, mild to moderate...
-Size: 7"L x 5"W x 6½"H -Notes: While care is taken to ensure the major features of the skull are preserved, the small details of the neural passages may not be opened, making it possible to produce a more economical replica that is still an excellent teaching aide. Analysis of...
Size: 8 ½"L x 5"W x 6"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This is an excellent example of a skull from an Asian individual with a metopic suture. A metopic suture is the union point for the two halves of the frontal bone that fuse during skeletal development and is usually...
Size: 8½"L x 5"W x 6"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This human male Australian Aboriginal skull was found in 1905 near the lower Darling River in New South Wales, Australia, and was known to be from a very stout 50-year-old male of the Bindaboo Tribe. This specimen highlights...
-Size: 7½"L x 5"W x 7½"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This human skull is complex: the totality of features is most suggestive that the individual was European; however, a reasonable differential analysis would include Hispanic individuals and some Asians (including especially an individual from India). Although generally gracile, the specimen...
-Size: 7½"L x 5½"W x 7"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: This human male European skull is perfect for use with our Asian and African skulls for comparative study. Although the concept of race assessment is controversial, certain features of the skull may be of use in differentiating ancestral groups....
-Size: 8"L x 5½"W x 8"H -Species: Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) -Notes: Cranial measurements taken by the Maxwell Museum suggest that this skull is likely of Polynesian heritage. The sagittal keel, parietal bossing, the broad, prominent basiooccipital, and the rocker jaw are all excellent for comparison purposes with skulls from other populations....
-Size: 1"L x ½"W x ¼"H -Species: Archilochus colubris -Notes: The ruby-throated hummingbird is mostly found in eastern and central US, but breeds throughout the central US and Central America. Often found in gardens, it winters in tropical rainforest. Reaching a length of only 3 inches, it is, along with other hummingbirds, the...
-Size: 11"L x 7"W x 6½"H -Species: Crocuta crocuta -Notes: Hyenas are a felid-like animal that resides in the savannas, grasslands, woodlands, and even mountains in sub-Saharan Africa. This female specimen is that of a spotted hyena, who are significantly larger and more aggressive than their male counterparts. While hyenas may...
-Size: 7½"L x 1"W x 1½"H -Species: Eudocimus ruber -Notes: The scarlet ibis occurs in South America and on islands in the Caribbean. Like all ibises, they are wading birds with long legs and a long, curved bill. Completely scarlet except for black wing tips, they derive their color from the...
-Size: 6½"L x 4½"W x 5"H -Species: Kenyanthropus platyops -Notes: This 50,000 year old Kenyanthropus platyops skull (KNM-WT-40000) was discovered in 1999 by J. Erus (a member of Meave Leakey's team) west of Lake Turkana, Kenya. The specimen was described in Nature in 2001. Leakey and colleagues viewed the finds as...
-Size: 8"L x 1&½"W x 1&½"H -Species: Apteryx australis -Notes: Living in the New Zealand forests, the brown kiwi (as well as all kiwis) produces the largest egg, proportional to its size, of any bird. The egg weighs around one pound and practically fills the entire body cavity. The small kiwi...
-Size: 3&½"L x 2&½"W x 2&½"H -Species: Daubentonia madagascariensis -Notes: Perhaps one of the most unusual primates, the aye-aye is found on the island of Madagascar. About the size of a house cat, it has very large ears, a reduction in teeth with rodent-like incisors, and a specialized middle finger used...
-Size: 3&½"L x 2&½"W x 2&½"H -Species: Daubentonia madagascariensis -Notes: Perhaps one of the most unusual primates, the aye-aye is found on the island of Madagascar. About the size of a house cat, it has very large ears, a reduction in teeth with rodent-like incisors, and a specialized middle finger used...
-Size: 4”L x 2&1/2”W x 2&1/2”H -Species: Indri indri -Notes: The indri, like all other lemurs, is endemic to Madagascar. The largest of the prosimians, the Indri may reach a weight of about 29 pounds and a length of 4 feet (with its legs extended). It is easily distinguished from other...
-Size: 3&1/2”L x 2”W x 2”H -Species: Lemur catta -Notes: These beautiful animals are well known for their striking black and white tail and walking on their hind legs. From Madagascar, they spend most of their time foraging in the trees for fruit, leaves and flowers. They are also extremely sociable....
-Size: 3"L x 2&¼"W x 2&½"H -Species: Priopithecus verreauxi -Notes: The sifaka is an endangered species (threatened by deforestation) endemic to Madagascar, home to dozens of lemur species. Propithecus verreauxi comprises four subspecies, all of which share beautiful white fur but with distinctive markings. Some extinct species were possibly much larger than...
-Size: 3"L x 2&½"W x 1&½"H -Species: Heloderma suspectum -Notes: The Gila monster is a large lizard native to the southwestern portion of the North American continent. This skull is cast from a large and old specimen with excellent teeth and epidermal knobs. It can be found in terrestrial arid areas, deserts and dry...
-Size: 8&¾"L x 4&½"W x 3&¼"H -Species: Varanus komodoensis -Notes: Komodo dragons are the heaviest and longest of the world's lizards growing to a length of 10 feet and weighing upwards of 300 pounds. Their skulls are very similar to the extinct aquatic reptiles known as mosasaurs. Mosasaurs and monitor lizards are not...
-Size: 2½"L x 1½"W x 1½"H -Species: Nycticebus coucang -Notes: The slow Loris is found in tropical forests in Southeast Asia. This round-faced prosimian with big, fixed eyes is 10-15 inches long and weighs 1-3.3 pounds. Its thumb and big toe are at right angles to the other digits and are...
-Size: 13"L x 8½"W x 7½"H -Species: Trichechus manatus -Notes: Manatees are more closely related to elephants, hyraxes and aardvarks than to seemingly similar cetaceans (whales and dolphins). While this aquatic mammal is largely herbivorous, it may sometimes feed on fish or invertebrates. With a torpedo-like shape, they average 10 feet...
-Size: 9½"L x 5"W x 4½"H -Species: Chrysocyon brachyurus -Notes: The South American maned wolf is not a true wolf. These rare, fox-like canids stand about 3 feet at the shoulder and have extremely long legs. They are named for their long, luxurious hair. They are also on the endangered species...
-Size: 9½"L x 7½"W x 8&¾"H -Species: Meganthropus sp. -Notes: This Meganthropus skull reconstruction was created by Dr. Grover Krantz, a noted scholar of physical and cultural anthropology and an active Professor of Anthropology at Washington State University until shortly before his death. The reconstruction was based on Sangiran 31, a partial...
-Size: 4&½"L x 2&½"W x 3&½"H -Species: Ateles paniscus -Notes: This monkey (also known as the red-faced spider monkey, Guiana spider monkey, or red-faced black spider monkey) is a species of spider monkey found in the rain forests in northern South America. It gets its name from the length of its spindly limbs. Weighing...
-Size: 7”L x 4”W x 4&1/2”H -Species: Papio ursinus -Notes: The chacma baboon is found on the savannahs of southern Africa. A distinctive feature of this baboon is its dog-like muzzle, which motivates one of its common names, the dog-faced monkey. The female ranges from 16-24 inches, weighs about 35 pounds and...
-Size: 9”L x 5”W x 5”H -Species: Papio ursinus -Notes: The male chacma baboon, much heavier than the female, weighs from 57 to 68 pounds. Able to run 35-40 mph, these primates also possess sharp hearing and eyesight, a necessity on the open savannahs. They signal threats by staring, raising their eyebrows,...
-Size: 1&¾"L x 1"W x 1&½"H -Species: Callithrix jacchus -Notes: The common marmoset is found in Brazil. They measure between 7 and 7.5 inches and weigh between 8 and 9 ounces. Their coloring is a mixture of yellow, brown and gray with big white tufts sticking out of their ears. Their tail, which...
-Size: 5”L x 3”W x 4&1/2”H -Species: Alouatta palliate -Notes: This skull is from a male howler monkey, a large platyrrhine (flat-nosed) New World simian with a strong prehensile tail. Howler monkeys inhabit tropical deciduous forests of southern Central America. They get their name from the loud raucous territorial call they...
-Size: 9”L x 5&1/2"W x 5”H -Species: Mandrillus sphinx -Notes: Mandrills are the world's largest simian species with adult males achieving weights of 120 pounds. Male mandrills are also arguably the most colorful of all primates. They have a bright red stripe running down the middle of their muzzle and winding...
-Size: 9”L x 5&1/2"W x 5”H -Species: Mandrillus sphinx -Notes: Mandrills are the world's largest simian species with adult males achieving weights of 120 pounds. Male mandrills are also arguably the most colorful of all primates. They have a bright red stripe running down the middle of their muzzle and winding...
-Size: 1&1/2”L x 1”W x 1”H -Species: Cebuella pygmaea -Notes: Found throughout most of South America, the pygmy marmosets are the smallest of all living monkeys.Their diet consists of spiders, insects and sap from trees. They are active both in the day and night and highly agile in the trees. 2-part skull...
-Size: 5”L x 3&1/2”W x 3&1/2”H -Species: Macaca mulatta -Notes: Humans are the only primate species with a broader geographic range than rhesus macaques, which are found throughout Asia from India to southern China. A medium-sized simian, adult males can weigh up to 20 pounds while females may weigh 10-14 pounds....
-Size: 3"L x 2"W x 2&½"H -Species: Ateles paniscus -Notes: The saki monkey (also known as the white-faced saki, Guianan saki, or golden-faced saki) inhabits a wide range of forests north of the Amazon River. Only the male has the white face; the female has just a light stripe running from its eye to...
-Size: 4&1/2”L x 3”W x 3”H -Species: Cercopithecus pygerythrus -Notes: The vervet or green monkey (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) lives in the woodlands and savannahs of Africa. It mainly feeds on fruit, although occasionally it will eat bird eggs and reptiles. They are highly sociable and maintain order through rank and complex gestures and...
-Size: 4”L x 3”W x 3”H -Species: Cebus olivaceus -Notes: The weeping capuchin (also known as the wedge-capped capuchin, or weeper capuchin) is a social monkey found in deciduous and tropical forests in South America. Their diet consists of fruits, nuts, berries, small vertebrates and invertebrates. A dominant male leads a group...
-Size: 7"L x 4¼"W x 3¾"H -Species: Dinictis felina -Notes: Dinictis lived on the plains of North America 40-35 million years ago. Ancestors to modern cats, this ancient skull is reminiscent of today's Clouded Leopard. About the size of today's cougar, Dinictis had short, powerful legs and a long tail. Unlike...
-Size: 16&½"L x 12"W x 8"D -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: A Sumatran orangutan with all the typical characteristics of a large male. All life casts are molded and cast from original specimens. Mounting hardware not included. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items...
-Size: 9”L x 3&1/2”W -Species: Pongo pygmaeus -Notes: This life cast of a female Bornean orangutan foot would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order. Thank...
-Size: 12”L x 6”W -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: This life cast of a male Sumatran orangutan foot would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order....
-Size: 12&1/2”L x 6”W -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: This life cast of a male Sumatran orangutan hand would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order....
-Size: 12&1/2”L x 6”W -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: This life cast of a male Sumatran orangutan foot would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order....
-Size: 9&½"L x 4&¼"W -Species: Pongo pygmaeus -Notes: This life cast of a female Bornean orangutan hand would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program.
-Size: 9&1/2”L x 5&1/2”W -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: This life cast of a male Sumatran orangutan hand would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order....
-Size: 13”L -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: This life cast of a male Sumatran orangutan hand with exposed musculature would be a wonderful addition to any primatology, anthropology or zoology program. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to...
-Size: 7" L x 5" W x 6 ½" H -Species: Pongo pygmaeus -Notes: The orangutan is the only member of the great apes to originate from Asia. Also unlike the other great apes, the orangutan generally lives a solitary life, the exception being the extended relationship between the mother and...
-Size: 3&½"L x 2&½"W x 3”H -Species: Pongo pygmaeus -Notes: Near term fetal orangutan skull shows eruption of incisors and early molars. An infant weighs only about 3 1/2 pounds at birth. Adult females give birth every 8 years or so. The young may stay with their mother for up to...
-Size: 4&½"L x 3&½"W x 4"H -Species: Pongo pygmaeus -Notes: This 11 to 12-month-old orangutan Infant skull shows eruption of incisors and early molars. Baby orangutans have the longest adolescence of any known species other than Homo sapiens. Mother orangutans are patient caretakers, rarely showing displeasure even with the most obstreperous babies....