-Size: 9&½"L x 6&½"W x 8"H -Species: Pongo pygmaeus -Notes: Bornean and Sumatran orangutans diverged about 1.5 million years ago and are classified as distinct species. Bornean orangutans, as the name suggests, originate on the island of Borneo and are divided into 3 subspecies. More numerous than the Sumatran species, they are...
-Size: 9”L x 7”W x 10”H -Species: Pongo abelii -Notes: Sumatran orangutans are restricted to a small area on the island of Sumatra and are considered in danger of imminent extinction. Habitat loss from illegal logging and establishing new palm oil plantations are their main threats. They are described as being more...
-Size: 3"L x 1&½"W x 1&½"H -Species: Pandion haliaetus -Notes: Ospreys are one of the most abundant birds of prey living on all continents except Antarctica. Among the reasons for their success is that they are able to build their large nests practically anywhere, from high trees to buildings and cliffs...
-Size: 6"L x 4½"W x 3"H -Species: Enhydra lutris -Notes: Inhabiting the coastal kelp beds of western North America, the sea otter is a highly intelligent and inquisitive mammal. It is most famous for swimming on its back and using stones as tools to break open the hard shells of mollusks....
-Size: 3"L x 1&½"W x 1&½"H -Species: Tyto alba -Notes: Barn owls are found worldwide, except in extreme northern locals and New Zealand, and are common to North America, Eurasia and Africa. It has a white, heart-shaped face, a round head and no ear tufts, a mostly white underside, a light brown back,...
-Size: 3"L x 2&¼"W x 1&¾"H -Species: Strix varia -Notes: A medium-sized owl, with a yellow beak, atypical brown eyes, a rounded head lacking ear tufts, the barred owl is named for its barred and spotted cinnamon brown, tan and white plumage. The barred owl resides in the Northern US into Canada...
-Size: 3"L x 2&¼"W x 1&¾"H -Species: Athene cunicularia -Notes: Burrowing owls reside in open dry grasslands and deserts of North and South America, primarily in the west, although also in the higher, drier parts of south central Florida. Small, plump, speckled brown owls with white eyebrows, no ear tuft feathers, yellow eyes...
-Size: 3&½"L x 2&½"W x 1&¾"H -Species: Bubo virginianus -Notes: The great horned owl is found throughout North, Central and South America. It is the heaviest of the owls and is about 2 feet long with tufts above its ears that resemble horns, hence the name. It is instantly recognized and most familiar...
Size: 9"L x 6"W x 4"H -Species: Paranthropus aethiopicus -Notes: This 2.5 million year old Paranthropus aethiopicus skull (KNM-WT 17000) was discovered by Alan Walker in 1985 on the west shore of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya. It was described by Walker, Leakey, Harris and Brown in Nature in 1986. The...
Size: 7½"L x 6½"W x 5"H -Species: Paranthropus boisei -Notes: This 1.7 million year old Paranthropus boisei Skull (KNM-ER 406) was discovered by Richard Leakey at Koobi Fora, Kenya, in 1969. This discovery helped to shed light on the controversial hypothesis that all australopithecines were of the same species and tended...
-Size: 6½"L x 5½"W x 4"H -Species: Paranthropus boisei -Notes: This 1.7 million year old Paranthropus boisei Skull (KNM-ER 732) was discovered in 1970 at Koobi Fora, Kenya by R. Leakey and H. Mutua and described in Nature in 1971. A comparative analysis of KNM ER 732 and KNM ER 406...
Size: 7¾"L x 6¼"W x 6¾"H -Species: Paranthropus boisei -Notes: This 1.8 million year old Paranthropus boisei skull, is the most famous fossil from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. OH 5 was discovered by Mary Leakey in 1959 and originally classified as Zinjanthropus boisei by Louis Leakey in Nature later that year. The accepted genus name...
Size: 8½"L x 6½"W x 7½"H -Species: Paranthropus boisei -Notes: This 1.8 million year old Paranthropus boisei skull, is the most famous fossil from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. OH 5 was discovered by Mary Leakey in 1959 and originally classified as Zinjanthropus boisei by Louis Leakey in Nature later that year. The accepted genus name...
Size: 6¼"L x 6"W x 4¾"H -Species: Paranthropus robustus -Notes: This 2-1.5 million year old Paranthropus robustus skull (SK-48) was discovered by a quarryman named Fourie in Swartkrans, South Africa in 1950 and described by Robert Broom in 1952. SK-48, formerly called Paranthropus crassidens, greatly increased what is known about australopithecines. The...
Size: 6½" L x 6"W x 6"H -Species: Paranthropus robustus -Notes: This 2-1.5 million year old Paranthropus robustus skull (SK-48) was discovered by a quarryman named Fourie in Swartkrans, South Africa in 1950 and described by Robert Broom in 1952. SK-48, formerly called Paranthropus crassidens, greatly increased what is known about australopithecines....
-Size: 5"L x 2&½"W x 4"H -Species: Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus -Notes: The largest parrot, hyacinth macaws are striking birds with long, pointed tail feathers and a huge, hooked black beak. The upper beak seems impossibly large, deeply curved and sharply pointed. The oversized bill allows it to be one of the few creatures with...
-Size: 16&½"L x 2&½"W x 2&½"H -Species: Pelecanus erythrorhynchos -Notes: Pelicans are among the largest and heaviest birds in the world. Unlike the smaller brown pelicans who dive from heights to catch their fish, a flock of white pelicans feeds by dipping their pouches in unison into schools of fish while swimming together...
-Size: 5"L x 2"W x 2”H -Species: Spheniscus magellanicus -Notes: The magellanic penguin comes from southern South America and is a mid-sized penguin. Outside of Antarctica, the magellanic penguin lives part of the year in a huge colony in Punta Tombo, a reserve, established in 1979. The colony reaches a size of over...
-Size: 11"L x 6"W x 7&½"H -Species: Babyrousa babyrussa -Notes: A member of the pig family, the babirusa is found in the rainforests on some of the Indonesian islands. Its most striking feature is its two sets of tusks. The lower set looks normal enough, protruding from the lower jaw and...
-Size: 11"L x 6"W x 5"H -Species: Phocoena phocoena -Notes: Distributed in the temperate coastal waters of the Northern Hemisphere, the harbor porpoise is a marine mammal in the order Cetacea, which also includes whales and dolphins. Porpoises are considered highly intelligent like dolphins, but are unlike dolphins in other respects....
-Notes: Predator or prey? Can you tell by looking at an animal which it is?A skull's features can provide clues as to whether its owner was a predatory or preyed upon animal. Its size, dentition (form and number of teeth) and eye socket position contribute pieces of information that help with...
-Size: 5"L x 3"W x 3"H -Species: Proconsul africanus -Notes: This 23-14 million year old skull was discovered by Mary Leakey in 1948 on Rusinga Island, Kenya. This specimen, based on the 1948 Leakey discovery, is the most complete Proconsul africanus cranium to date. Alan Walker reclassified Proconsul africanus, a Miocene hominoid, as heseloni in...
-Size: 3&½"L x 1&½"W x 1&½"H -Species: Fratercula corniculata -Notes: Horned puffins are named for the fleshy, horn-like growth above their eyes. Puffins are also known as the sea parrot because of the large yellow, orange and red beaks they sport during courtship and breeding. This colorful outer layer is shed...
-Size: 4&½"L x 1&¾"W x 1&½"H -Species: Corvus corax -Notes: The largest of the crow family, the raven often mates for life and can have a lifespan of 50 years. They are extremely intelligent and resourceful. 1-part skull (jaw glued to cranium). Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with...
-Size: 4"L x 3"W x 3½"H -Species: Ailurus fulgens -Notes: The red panda is also known as the lesser panda. This particular species is found throughout the Himalayas. It was previously believed at various times to belong to the bear family (Ursidae) and raccoon family (Procyonidae), but now is considered to...
-Size: 2"L x ¾"W x ¾"H -Species: Turdus migratorius -Notes: American robins are common throughout North and Central America, with their range extending to Alaska. They live in human gardens and fields but prefer dense wooded areas to build nests and raise their young. They are commonly seen on lawns searching...
Size: 7"L x 4"W x 4"H -Species: Sahelanthropus tchadensis -Notes: The 7-6 million year old Sahelanthropus tchadensis skull was discovered by paleontologist Michael Brunet's team in Chad in 2001 and described in Nature in 2002. Some suggest that S. tchadensis existed near the time that hominids and apes separated on their evolutionary paths....
-Size: 11"L x 6½"W x 6¼"H -Species: Zalophus californianus -Notes: A sleek and agile marine mammal, with dark brown fur and a torpedo-like body, the California sea lion can often be seen resting in colonies, noisily barking and sitting upon each other. They are a common sight in harbors, on buoys...
-Size: 8"L x 5"W x 4"H -Species: Phoca vitulina -Notes: Known also as the spotted seal, they can reach 6 feet long and weigh up to 375 pounds. They are the most common of pinnipeds, inhabiting the coastal areas of the Atlantic and Pacific. 2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw). Please...
-Size: 10¼"L x 5½"W x 6"H -Species: Ovis aries -Notes: Sheep are ruminant (cud-chewing) animals and are among the first animals to be domesticated. Discoveries in archaeological sites in the Middle East dating between 11,000 to 9,500 years ago include figurines, bones and dung suggesting the importance of sheep to early...
-Size: 5"L x 3"W x 4"H -Species: Symphalangus syndactylus -Notes: Siamangs, the largest of the gibbons, live in Sumatra and Malaysia. These apes are almost exclusively arboreal, displaying "suspensory" behavior. Siamangs have opposable big toes, which allow them to grasp branches with their feet when walking upright along them. They also...
-Size: 5"L x 4"W x 3&½"H -Species: Symphalangus syndactylus -Notes: Siamangs, the largest of the gibbons, live in Sumatra and Malaysia. These apes are almost exclusively arboreal, displaying "suspensory" behavior. Siamangs have opposable big toes, which allow them to grasp branches with their feet when walking upright along them. They also...
-Size: 5&½"L x 4&½"W x 6"H -Species: Sivapithecus indicus -Notes: This 12.5-8.5 million year old Sivapithecus indicus skull was discovered in 1979 by D. Pilbeam and S.M. Ibrahim Shah on the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan. This specimen consists of a nearly complete mandible (with complete dentition) and the left side of the...
-Size: 3½"L x ¾"W x ¾"H -Species: Gallinago gallinago -Notes: The common snipe is a wading bird found in wet, grassy areas in North and South America, Europe, Northern Africa, and Asia. The common snipe uses its remarkably long, pointed and straight bill to poke around in the mud for snails,...
-Size: 7½"L x 2"W x 1½"H -Species: Platalea ajaja -Notes: The roseate spoonbill, found in the southeast US from Florida to Texas, is a gregarious pink bird with a naked head, red legs, and a long bill ending in a spoon-like paddle. Feeding especially at dusk and dawn, it gathers...
-Size: 1&½"L x 1"W x 1"H -Species: Tarsius syrichta -Notes: Small, insectivorous, nocturnal tree-dwelling primates, tarsiers receive their name from their greatly elongated tarsus, or ankle, bones. This adaptation allows them to make prodigious, sure-footed leaps through the trees. Their huge eyes, proportionally the largest of all mammals, are fixed in...
-Size: 8"L x 4½"W x 4½"H -Species: Thylacinus cynocephalus -Notes: Thylacinus cynocephalus, a marsupial, is variously known as the Tasmanian wolf (given its size and the shape of its head), Tasmanian tiger (due to its striped fur), or thylacine (based on its scientific name, which means something like 'dog head...
-Size: 8"L x 1¾"W x 2½"H -Species: Ramphastos toco -Notes: From eastern South America, the toco toucan is the largest member of its family, Ramphastidae. They live high in the treetops and are noted for their large beautiful yellow bill. The bill often reaches over 7 inches long and is very...
-Size: 2½"L x 2"W x 1&¼"H -Species: Sphenodon punctatus -Notes: Restricted to islands off the coast of New Zealand, the highly protected tuatara has remained virtually unchanged for some 130 million years. It is the sole survivor of a reptilian order which became virtually extinct some 70 million years ago and is now...
-Size: 8&¾"L x 8”W x6&¼"H -Species: Bos taurus -Notes: This two-headed calf is an extremely rare and beautiful specimen. The two heads, mirror images of each other, are fused with only one endocranium and one foramen magnum that connected to a single neck and body. While it may appear to have been...
-Size: 26¾"L x 9¾"W x 7½"H -Species: Odobenus rosmarus -Notes: The thick-skinned walrus may weigh approximately 900 to 3,500 pounds, with males being larger than females. The tusks of a walrus can grow up to one meter long. These tusks have many uses: fighting, eating, cutting ice, and allowing them to...
-Size: 4"L x 2&½"W x 3"H -Species: Hylobates lar -Notes: Gibbons are structurally situated somewhere between the monkeys and the great apes, sharing some features of both. Siamangs and gibbons are now collectively called the "lesser apes" or "small apes." There is almost no sexual dimorphism in size or skull structure...
-Size: 12½"L x 6½"W x 6½"H -Species: Canis dirus -Notes: Thriving during the Pleistocene, the dire wolf is not a direct ancestor of any of today's known species of canine. They co-existed in North America with gray wolves for about 100,000 years. Dire wolves had short, thick legs, a larger,...
-Size: 12½"L x 6½"W x 6½"H -Species: Canis dirus -Notes: Thriving during the Pleistocene, the dire wolf is not a direct ancestor of any of today's known species of canine. They co-existed in North America with gray wolves for about 100,000 years. Dire wolves had short, thick legs, a larger,...
-Size: 9"L x 5"W x 4½"H -Species: Canis lupus baileyi -Notes: The Mexican wolf is the smallest of the North American wolves. Highly endangered, its range until recent times was from Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona through central Mexico. It is now considered extinct in the US and has not been seen...
-Size: 8½"L x 5"W x 5"H -Species: Canis rufus -Notes: The red wolf is larger than the coyote and smaller than the gray wolf. Some authorities debate its identity considering it the result of the cross-breeding between the coyote and gray wolf, while some believe it to be a subspecies...
-Size: 11"L x 6½"W x 6"H -Species: Canis lupus -Notes: The Siberian wolf (also known as the Gray or Timber Wolf) is the largest of the canids. This particular skull features powerful teeth. Although native to the Holarctic region, wolves in the lower 48 states are endangered. It weighs up...
-Size: 3&¾"L x 1"W x 1&¼"H -Species: Dryocopus pileatus -Notes: The pileated woodpecker is the largest woodpecker found in most of North America. Because of its size and chisel-shaped bill, the woodpecker is particularly adept at excavating and it uses this ability to construct nests, roost cavities and find food. 1-part skull (jaw...