-Size: 5"L x 4"W x 3&½"H
-Species: Symphalangus syndactylus
-Notes: Siamangs, the largest of the gibbons, live in Sumatra and Malaysia. These apes are almost exclusively arboreal, displaying "suspensory" behavior. Siamangs have opposable big toes, which allow them to grasp branches with their feet when walking upright along them. They also travel through the trees swinging from tree limb to limb, covering more than 30 feet with a single swing. One difference between siamangs and other gibbons is its enormous throat sac, which can inflate to a size equivalent almost to the size of its head. 2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw).
Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing time with cast replicas as most of these items are made to order. Thank you for your understanding. Shipping outside of the USA may require additional shipping than quoted by the website.
Size: 3&½"L x 2&¾"W x 3"H -Species: Australopithecus afarensis -Notes: This 1:2 scale Australopithecus afarensis skull is a wonderfully detailed miniature, sculpted by Steve Wagner. This is one skull from a set of 7 (KAM-SET-7). Portable, durable and precise, these skulls are great for quick and easy primate and hominid comparison. Each...
-Size: 3&¾"L x 2&½"W x 3"H -Species: Homo erectus -Notes: This 1:2 scale Homo erectus skull is a wonderfully detailed miniature, sculpted by Steve Wagner. This is one skull from a set of 7 (KAM-SET-7). Portable, durable and precise, these skulls are great for quick and easy primate and hominid comparison. Each...
-Size: 4&¼"L x 2&¾"W x 2&¾"H -Species: Homo neanderthalensis -Notes: This 1:2 scale Homo neanderthalensis skull is a wonderfully detailed miniature, sculpted by Steve Wagner. This is one skull from a set of 7 (KAM-SET-7). Portable, durable and precise, these skulls are great for quick and easy primate and hominid comparison. Each...